Today I purchased my tickets for this year's Airventure. This will only be my second time there; the first was in 2010, aptly named Sloshkosh because of the flooded grounds that year. I was hoping to attend via the Yankee Air Museum's C-47, as I had planned to in 2011 and 2012, but for the third time in a row, it isn't going to happen. In 2011, we couldn't take off from Willow Run because of severe thunderstorms; in 2012 they hadn't sold enough seats for the Thursday I was scheduled, and I couldn't change my travel plans. This year the C-47 is going through some certification changes and modifications, so I made the commitment to drive to Oshkosh and camp on the airfield. In 2010 I stayed for the full week, but I can't really afford to do that this year, so I'm planning to arrive Tuesday afternoon, set up camp, and attend the fly-in Wednesday thru Friday, and drive home sometime Saturday. I thank my family for allowing me to make this trip as a combination Fathers Day & birthday present.
I'll be attending a couple seminars, including Budd Davisson's tailwheel seminar. I've been a long-time fan of his aviation writing and we've corresponded via email on numerous occasions. I met him at his AirVenture seminars in 2010, and I'm hoping to get a chance to chat with him again this year. Another old friend from California will also be attending this year, and his Lockheed PV-2 Harpoon will be featured in Thursday's Warbirds in Review. Taigh Ramey is a Beech 18 and Warbird specialist that operates Vintage Aircraft in Stockton, Ca. He was an instructor at Palo Alto Airport when I learned to fly there in the '80s; he gave me a BFR and was my pilot for an air-to-air photo mission I did for the owner of a Bellanca Viking. I also crewed for Taigh when we attended the last Madera Gathering of Warbirds in his SNB-1; we were scheduled to fly it to Oshkosh that year, but he sold the plane before we got the chance. I've seen him various times since then, and it will be cool to get a chance to meet up at AirVenture.
I also hope to connect with other RV-8 enthusiasts that I've followed online. I'm planning to spend a LOT of time in the RV parking area, taking tons of pictures and closely examining some excellent airplanes. This trip should definitely help to keep me inspired to achieve my goal!