Thursday, June 2, 2016

Big Parts On Order!

     Yesterday was a milestone, decades in the making.
     After calling Van's to go over some details I was able to place my order for the RV-8 quickbuild wings and fuselage.  I also got on the build list for a set of Grove airfoil landing gear.  I was fortunate that I called when I did, because they were late in starting their next production run, and I was able go get in on the next batch.  If I hadn't, I would have had to wait until next year.  As it is, the gear will almost certainly show up before the kits, which are running a seven-month lead time as I type this.  That puts the arrival during winter, which means logistical conditions will be far from ideal.  But like all builders, I will do what I have to do to get the job done.  At least by then, I'll have a decent heater installed in the main shop.
     In the meantime, there's plenty to do.  When I attend AirVenture this year, I'll be talking to a lot of engine, prop, avionics and aftermarket reps.  I know I want to go with a Lycoming IO-360 with horizontal induction and a constant-speed prop, and I'll probably have a firm plan in place by August.  I'll be attending the Sherwin-Williams Training Program in September in Wichita, and I may go from there to Tulsa to visit Barrett's engine building shop while I'm in that part of the country.  I'll also build my wing stand and start working on the fiberglass tips for my empennage parts.  I'm going to be able to resume my flight training; flying frequently, getting qualified to rent DCT aircraft, and possibly getting more Citabria time at KARB.
     In May I got to witness Steve Thorne of Flight Chops solo a de Havilland Canada DHC-1 Chipmunk at the Canadian Historical Aircraft Association based at the Windsor Airport.  I was so impressed by that experience I will probably join the CH2A as a flying member, and get some Stearman, Chipmunk and Harvard time with them.  Other warbird activity this summer will include a couple of  Yankee Air Museum airshows at Willow Run: their first Night Airshow in June, and Thunder Over Michigan in August.  I'm hoping to get a B-17 ride this year in Yankee Lady.  If I do, I'll share it here.
     Many adventures await us this year, and we're off and running!