There was no work done on airplane parts in November and December of 2015. I thought about starting the fiberglass work, but the shop still has no decent heat. I had hoped the "large room" heater I bought would help, but it barely makes a dent in heating the main shop. So my efforts have turned to research (also known as dreaming) on painting, engine, avionics, etc. As January began, I was fortunate enough to get enrolled in two very valuable training seminars in the second half of April. First I will attend the two-day Sherwin-Williams Aerospace Coatings Training Program in Wichita, KS. Then I'll spend the following week at the Synergy Air Quickbuilding the Vans Quickbuild training seminar in Sunriver, OR. Attending these events will probably mean I won't be able to afford the deposit on the wings & fuselage kits until June, but I think it will be worth it to gain the knowledge and experience. RV-8 quickbuild kit lead times are currently running 5+ months, which means I wouldn't be getting them until October or November. Not exactly the greatest time of the year to be accepting large shipments to my home... but by then I'll have the shop heater installed, so I'll be able to work next winter. It's going to be a very busy summer anyway. Lots of travel, including OSH, and a lot of other things going on... including flight training. I've begun to actively pursue regaining my currency and passing my BFR. I've completed all twelve courses of the King Schools Return To Flight syllabus, and applied for WINGS credit for the coursework. I've started working with a new instructor at DCT Aviation, and taken my first winter flight in Michigan this week. I'm looking to invest in an iPad Mini and Foreflight flight planning software soon. I have a LOT to learn, but I have begun my journey along the path that leads up the mountain of knowledge. I'm looking forward to the view I'll enjoy from the top... or at least further upslope.