Friday, December 8, 2023

Epilogue Part 2: Falsi-Fighter's Final Chapter

     Epilogue Part 1 covered all the medical stuff that I had to face since last February.  The last post here that addressed flying covered my V-Speed flight on February 2, 2023.  Since then, I've made 83 flights and 4 taxis.  I've made short hops and long cross-country flights; taken thousands of photos and captured hundreds of hours of video.  I even made a video about not posting video on my YouTube channel.  With the medical stuff in the air, so to speak, I initially thought it prudent to refrain from sharing flight videos.  Eventually I began to post them again and will continue to do so, although they will no longer be in chronological order due to the sizeable backlog.  I thought about posting at least one photo from every flight, but that would have taken way too much time.  So instead of doing that I spent way too much time editing and assembling a collage of 50 (ok; actually 49) thumbnails that cover all the important flights I've taken since my self-imposed grounding in February.  Feel free to copy and enlarge this photo; the details make it worth it.
     2023 has been a crazy roller coaster ride; looking back at it, I see mostly wonderful things.  I got to fly to so many new places and returned to my favorite places.  But all things must come to an end, and this year will end with my flying life being changed forever. 

In October I sold my beloved creation.
Falsi-Fighter is now in the hands of a very capable new owner. 
I posted this video on my YouTube channel as a tribute and explanation. 
Hang in there through the somber intro; it gets better. 

     I wrote a synopsis of my delivery flight to mid-state New York for publication in the EAA Chapter 113 newsletter.  Rather than duplicate the considerable effort, I will instead share the following link.  Please take the time to read the entire thread; it says it all better than I could if I tried to recreate it here.

     I've also completed a three-part video series entitled Final Falsi-Fighter Flights. 
Here are links:

     So that's it.  I no longer own an airplane and with the lapse of my 3rd Class Medical Certificate I don't expect to be flying again anytime soon.  I am certain I will fly again in the future; I just don't know when it will be or what I'll be flying yet.  Once I hear from the FAA I will chart my course of action.  If I can get another 3rd Class Medical Certificate; I'll do so and stay recurrent with instructors and in rental aircraft.  I intend to pursue more training in warbirds and other unique aircraft.  Ultralight flying is also a possibility that I'd like to pursue.  But for now, I'm going to take a deep breath and try to relax a bit.  We've used the proceeds of the sale to pay off the sizeable debt we racked up building the aircraft.  It's a great relief to be able to put money into savings again instead of paying interest.  And other major life changes have been recently dumped into our laps that may alter our course drastically... it's too early to be sure yet.  But life goes on, and that includes mine.  This will probably be the last post on this blog but I still intend to stay active on social media and my YouTube channel, so if you're desperate to keep following my life it shouldn't be too hard.

Normally I end these entries with Stay Tuned... but I guess now it will be:



Thanks for reading all these blogs over all these years.
Love You All - Take Careful Care - Always!